Pichondria v1.0 5V 3A UPS HAT - Tutorials

Introduction to terminologies & working with Pichondria

Battery selection, installation and basic operations of Pichondria

Installing Pichondria hardware, and mounting Rasbperry Pi

Installing Python library of Pichondria

Learning about LED Indications in Pichondria

Working with I2C Address in Pichondria

Checking charging status in Pichondria

Checking for input availability in Pichondria

Measuring input, output and battery voltage in Pichondria

Working with shutdown timer
in Pichondria using python library

Working with boot up timer
in Pichondria using python library

Working with wake up timerĀ 
in Pichondria using python library

Working with shutdown modes in Pichondria

Acknowledgement & no acknowledgement mode

Working with autopilot mode of Pichondria using python library

How to add shutdown script and cronjob for Pichondria in Python

How to use different shutdown types in Pichondria

  • shutdown
  • reboot
  • scheduled reboot
  • reboot on power restore